Sunday, October 9, 2016

Twin Flames by Tanja Kobasic

Series: Untapped #2

Publication: January 11th 2015 by Stone Series Publishing

Source: Received this for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, Tanja!

Goodreads Summary: Conjoined sisters Scarlett and Jade Jennings have survived the perils of infancy, escaped a deplorable orphanage and have lived to tell their story. Now bestselling authors, the sisters have made Las Vegas their home, only to find themselves in the centre of a gathering storm. In the eye of that gathering storm is Sebastian Cole, Vegas’ staring illusionist, who possesses supernatural powers, making him the target of diabolical ambitions. Lucifer’s Chosen need control of his power, power that he absorbed from his twin brother while in utero. Temptation is at its highest, and Scarlett is Sebastian’s weakness and he must make some incredibly hard decisions concerning his future and regarding Scarlett, especially considering his aunt’s warning to “keep all that you love away from the darkness.”
As the lines between good and evil blur, Scarlett and Sebastian dive deeper in love, and the shadows that Jade has been feeding are swiftly closing in on them. As Jade and Scarlett’s sisterhood wanes, and Scarlett and Sebastian’s romance reaches a pinnacle, the three soon discover links between them that were established before they were born.

Goodreads Page

*See my review for the first book here.*
My Thoughts:

This book went so much deeper and had so many more twists than I ever anticipated. It's definitely a series that you really need to pay attention to as you read or you will miss the clues dropped that are laced throughout the storyline. I thought I really liked the first book--this one is even better.

There was so much development in this book. I loved seeing as our characters from the first book settled more into each other and really developed their romance. Scarlett really grew as a character throughout the book and became more and more likeable for me. Sebastian also really came into his own and became more of a star in the series as he revealed more of himself and started to make more difficult decisions. And Jade. Ugh, Jade. She is the perfect character to hate and she became even more dislikable for me in this one just as she is meant to be. This installment also gives the reader deeper glimpses into some minor characters as well and I really liked getting to know Ebony's and Leon's backstories. It was really engaging for me as the characters' true identities and connections are revealed and they all definitely had more surprises than I ever expected. As soon as I finished reading, I wanted to pick up the first one again and reread it, looking for more clues that I know are dropped in it and I may have missed in my first reading.

The plot was okay again for me. While the first book was truly an introduction and a setup for this book, once again, not a ton happens in this one. The majority of the 600 page book is more character development than anything else and hinged much more on the characters' revealing different things about themselves than different events in the book. Two of my favorite parts, however, were getting to see another of Sebastian's shows and also reading Jade's short story that she wrote. Lastly, the ending was truly something. Everything gets uncovered then and I was so happy and so upset at the same time while reading it. I loved that some things were changed so much for the better but hated that others ended in a way that I didn't want.

I went into this series thinking that it would be a somewhat dark contemporary romance but was given so much more than that. Truly, none of the characters are what they seem and have much, much more to them than what you expect. A story that seems as if it's just a complicated romance between a magician and conjoined twins turned into something much bigger with darker pasts behind the characters and an overarching conflict of the classic good vs. evil, or in this case God vs. Lucifer. And, perhaps the best part of all, the story isn't over yet.



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