Publication: January 14th 2014 by Quirk Books
Source: Library Book
Goodreads Summary: September 3, 1940. Ten peculiar children flee an army of deadly monsters. And only one person can help them—but she’s trapped in the body of a bird.
The extraordinary journey that began in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children continues as Jacob Portman and his newfound friends journey to London, the peculiar capital of the world. There, they hope to find a cure for their beloved headmistress, Miss Peregrine. But in this war-torn city, hideous surprises lurk around every corner. And before Jacob can deliver the peculiar children to safety, he must make an important decision about his love for Emma Bloom. Like its predecessor, this second novel in the Peculiar Children series blends thrilling fantasy with vintage photography to create a one-of-a-kind reading experience.
Goodreads Page
My Thoughts:
First of all, I liked this book a lot better than I liked the first one. It might be because I didn't go in with any real preconceived ideas of this one (I really expected the first book to be a true horror story). This book totally redeemed the entire series in my opinion. It was better written. The characters were more colorful. The plot was paced better. I just liked it. A lot.
One of the things I mentioned about Miss Peregrine's was that it was difficult for me to keep everybody and their abilities straight because Riggs never went over them again after first mentioning them. In this book, in the very front, he has their pictures again along with their names and their abilities. Right off the bat, I liked this one better because of that. I think it was a very good idea to re-familiarize the reader with the characters in this way and it was very fitting for the book because of how the pictures are such a big part of this series.
I loved that we got much more details about all of the characters and that we got to know each of them a bit better. More of the characters became so much more likeable to me after getting to know them better and I have a couple more favorites now. I especially loved how Jacob's talent developed and thought it was very fun to read as he discovered different things about it. I really liked the new additions that came about as Miss Peregrine's group grew and loved the anticipation of finally getting to meet the girl who is on the cover.
I liked the plot quite a bit. And I liked how the children went to different places this time instead of it all just taking place on Cairnholm. I especially loved the menagerie and the scenes and conversations that took place there. It just made me love it so much more because I really like animals and having that bit in the book made it even more unique in my opinion and endearing. I just loved all of the settings in this book. I also think the plot ran much better in this than the first one and it was much more interesting and kept me engaged the entire read. And the twist at the end! I thought I had it all figured out, but the twist was much different than what I thought it would be and something I think that was pretty unpredictable. It also ended in a perfect way to set up for the last book and it left me wanting more which the first one did not do particularly for me. I think you get the idea. I like this one a lot.
Of course, all of the pictures added into this made it more fun to read and I appreciate again that Riggs took the time to dig up authentic vintage carny photographs to put in this book.
Likes: The plot ran better in this one. All of the pictures in the beginning of the book that helped re-familiarize the reader with the characters. The vintage photos in the book. The menagerie characters. The new additions to Miss Peregrine's group and meeting the girl on the front cover.
Dislikes: Not necessarily a dislike but I'm not quite sure why it's called "Hollow City." Does anybody have any thoughts about that? I also disliked the picture of the dead horses. I hate seeing dead animals, ESPECIALLY dead horses (I'm very attached to horses) and I just didn't like to have to read about them dying and then to have a picture of them made it worse for me. No me gusta.
Recommend? Yes.
Reading the Next One? YES.
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