There is a new book tag going around BookTube that is created by BeccaTheBookReviewer. All of the questions are based off of things from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. It's a really fun and creative tag so if you're interested in doing it, you totally should.
1. Little Town - Pick a character in a book that lives in a little town and wants to escape.
I couldn't think of any books that I have read that start off with a character already in a little town wanting to escape. All of the books I've read start with a character living in a larger town then moving to a smaller one then wanting to escape. So the best one I could think of was Annie McRae from The Debutante by Kathryn Williams.
2. Belle - Pick a character that loves reading/books.
This one was a bit difficult for me too because there are very few young adult books that have a character who likes to read. However, I went with Annabeth from the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series by Rick Riordan.
3. Mrs Potts and Chip - Pick a mother/child relationship in a book that's adorable.
I had two books for this question. First one is Mia & Helen Thermopolis from The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot. The second one is Mia & Kat from If I Stay by Gayle Forman.
I picked Cassie Aganovic from The Year of Secret Assignments by Jaclyn Moriarty.
5. Lumiere - Pick a book character that's carefree/rebellious.
I chose Mary Katherine (MK) from The Debutante by Kathryn Williams.
6. Beast - Pick a book character that's misunderstood.
For this one, I chose Levana from the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. Specifically in Fairest: Levana's Story, Levana is truly revealed to be a misunderstood character and if you haven't read this one and have read the others in the series, it's definitely worth checking out.
7. Tale as Old as Time - Pick a book relationship that you think will last through time.
Suze and Jesse from The Mediator series by Meg Cabot goes for this one. I love their relationship and seeing it progress throughout the six books in the series. The ending to the series is amazing and I've heard Cabot is planning a seventh book which I'm really excited for.
8. Beauty and the Beast - Pick a book couple that at the start you didn't think would work, but it totally did!
And, lastly, I picked Eleanor and Park from Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. When I first read this, I wasn't sure if they would work out. But they definitely did and I love that they are a great couple to show that if you love each other and want to be together then that's all that matters.
And that is all of the questions. I love this tag and was super excited to do it. Check out my video below to see me talk more about the books.
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